Rockford 40 Days for Life (Lent 2024) Concludes

Thank you to everyone who participated in our Rockford 40 Days for Life by prayer, fasting, or witnessing on the sidewalk! The official spring 40 Days Campaign concluded today.

As always happens when people pray, God responded with His grace. In two incidents in just the past week, God used your prayers and presence at the abortion mill to save lives and souls. 

On Monday March 18th, a sidewalk counselor patiently waited and prayed at the Rockford abortion mill on a cold and windy afternoon. A young couple pulled into the parking lot, and the sidewalk counselor was able to say to them, "we care about you and your precious baby and there is help at the Pregnancy Care Center."  Mom politely said “no, thank you” but the sidewalk counselor told them that she would "pray they make the right decision."

Fifteen minutes later the young couple came out and dad joyfully said, "we are not going to do it...I believe in God." They took information on the Pregnancy Care Center and left!

The sidewalk counselor commented that she had been wondering in the preceding days if all these extra hours of prayer and being on the sidewalk during 40 Days for Life are really worth it. God clearly answered her question.   

Also, on Tuesday, March 19th, the Auburn Street abortion mill was closed. But because of 40 Days for Life, a solitary Christian woman was praying for her hour on the sidewalk. Suddenly, a couple pulled into the abortion mill parking lot. The woman who was praying is not a regular sidewalk counselor… she was just there to pray as part of 40 Days, but she felt called to ask the couple to talk with her. 

As it turns out, the couple are immigrants from Africa and thought they could just walk in for an abortion without an appointment.  Spontaneously, the prayer volunteer spoke to the couple from her heart about God, life, and all the free help available to them. 

The couple gladly took information on the Pregnancy Care Center and decided to keep their baby!

We see again that when people pray, sacrifice, and love their neighbor God always responds.


Holy Week Prayer Vigils for the Unborn in Rockford


Standing for Life and Love