Fire safety for some but not for all?


(The following is an email sent by Rockford Family Initiative to the Rockford City Attorney on February 5, 2024)

Dear City Attorney Meyer,

I hope you are well.  Many people have read the news that the city is condemning sober-living group homes because they lack sprinkler systems and because residents are complaining these homes are in their neighborhood.

We have an abortion business located on Auburn St, that the city of Rockford worked very hard to place in the middle of a residential neighborhood.  We also have an abortion business located on Maray Dr that the city of Rockford is allowing to open without sprinklers or a fire alarm. (see attached document). You were quoted in the Register Star as saying, "We're pinned as the bad guy here, but we're trying to protect the health and safety of the people in those houses".  So the city is willing to close these homes that have been helpful to people because they don't have sprinkler systems and the city is willing to allow an abortion business to open that has no sprinkler and no fire alarm.  Does the city not care about the "health and safety" of a woman lying on an operating table?  

The current medical Director of this abortion business has a long and sordid history of placing mothers lives at risk that was so dangerous it caused and immediate emergency closing order by the state of Illinois of his former Rockford abortion business. The city is now telling a business owned by a man who has already placed countless lives in danger that he does not need basic fire protection and prevention for his business that will have women incapacitated on a surgical table.  At the same time the city is telling people living in homes they are being condemned because they don't have the protections you are telling the abortion business they do not need.

Many people believe the city allows the Auburn St. abortion business to operated in the middle of a residential neighborhood because when it comes to abortion the the living conditions of the neighbors of this business do not matter as much as the politically motivated right to end the life of a child in the womb.

Now we have a second abortion business that is being allowed to open without basic fire safety precautions with the though of many being we are dealing with abortion which is the taking of a human life so common sense, common decency, safety are all secondary to the right to kill a child in the womb.  If a fire does breakout while a mother is on the operating table with no alarm to give a warning and no sprinkler system to offer protection - then she may just have to be sacrificed on the political altar of abortion just as her child is being sacrificed.

 The reason for this email is to respectfully request a statement from you concerning this situation that can be shared with the public.

Our request for this statement includes the hope for a moral explanation of why some lives should be protected and why some should not.

Thank you for considering this request and God bless you,

Kevin Rilott

Rockford Family Initiative

4688 Quatty Ridge Trail

Rockford, IL 61101

815-494-0333 /


CC Mayor McNamara, City Council, County Board, Jeff Kolkey


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